
3 times a bridesmaid...

When I checked the mail one day last week and saw the oversized, cream envelope with my name and address perfectly printed on it, I thought "Here's another one." I open it to find an invitation to a cousin's wedding in May. As I scan the card for the wedding, the reception, the directions, and the reply card I think, "And so the season begins." Every year there is a flow of weddings in my life. I have probably been to at least 50 weddings since I was small. Since college, they just keep on coming. Someone told me that there is usually a boom right after college and then again in your 30s. Um, there has been no let up in the bombing, apparently the troops refuse to surrender, give up and just go home. I do have to say that I sometimes, am on the firing squad, well in some capacity anyway. This year marks the seventh run as a bridesmaid for me (OK, so 2 of them were my brothers, but still 7, come on people). That's right, seventh (this does not include the ones in which I will merely be a spectator). I love my friends and family and am so honored to be included in these special days and this is no diss on them in anyway. This is all about me. I mean, it's always about me anyway, right?

This year are the weddings of 2 very special people, my cousin who is like a sister to me and my best friend who basically is a sister to me. These are probably the most special ones that I will be a part of and in my best friend's I am the maid of honor. When she asked me, I cried, and then reality set in, this is my 7th time walking down the aisle, alone. Oh, there are no pitty parties, Anna is an independent. One friend said, "Well, at least you're getting closer." I was like, um thanks, that's as close as I want to be, for now anyway. So, I do my duties of planning and attending showers, giving my measurements to strangers (probably the worst part of the whole process), and being there for the bride in any way she might need. I do all of this thinking, as Cinderella did, that someday my prince will come. But, oh no, don't think he needs to rescue me, no. I've already rescued myself. I want a prince for all the other reasons, plenty of cash, big house, private jet. No, really, I want a prince who is prince of humanity in that he treats me and everyone I love with kindness, who is so funny that I laugh out loud just thinking about things he has done or said, who wants to learn to do things that I love just because I love them, and who wants me to do the same for him. I think my friends (and cousin) have found these princes, I know they have. I'm just hoping that they haven't gotten the last ones.

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