

I don’t like to admit it, but I’m a scheduler. I sat talking to a parent today for 2 hours about her child’s disabilities today. I gave her suggestions after suggestions about keeping a schedule and preparing him for transitions. We talked straight through my lunch. From then on my day was spent. I couldn’t get my grounding. I kept thinking that in 5-10 minutes we’d be shuffling the kids off to lunch and I’d sit in the teacher’s lounge and gossip about the day or our prospective weekends. And then it was the end of the day and I realized that I needed that schedule. I needed to sit in that teacher’s lounge and chat in order to process my day and move on. I need my schedule, or at least lunch. I’m not so different from the kids I teach. We all need structure and sometimes schedules to make our days easier. And that’s why I love these kids, I see myself in them.

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