
a little bit whoops

It's 2:47am and I can't sleep. I came home after work to rest and ready for a party and I fell asleep. Late day naps mean no sleep at night. I've got two weeks of vacation and the ability to sleep all I want and I slept through a party on a Friday night. Priorities, right. And, whoops.

So, what do I plan to do for these two weeks? Well, I don't know. I've got a list a mile long of things to get done, people to catch up with, friends to nurse back to health after surgery, presents to buy, family to see, travel to make, and well, craziness. But, first, first I'm starting with a massage tomorrow. Wish me rest. At 2:47 this morning, I need it.

The writing and posting thing has clearly fallen by the wayside, but I've just signed up for a fiction writing class that starts in the new year. Let's hope they teach me something and that that something can be shared with you. Pictures, I'll work on pictures for you in the meantime. Merry merriness.

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