
Things to do tomorrow (for Thursday)

-tutor precious cancer boy
-clean car, take it to be vacuumed, use oxyclean to scrub stains from coffee spills, organize all the teaching supplies and put in the way back so as not to encroach upon passengers in the back or front passengers seat any longer
-organize office so that there is actually a desk to use as a desk
-wash clothes so that you can even walk into the office
-setup airport so that I am not confined to my living room anymore
-dust and vacuum because the dust bunnies are breeding, fiercely
-write thank you notes to R and B, and B because I stayed at their house and/ or received a gift from them like 3 months ago (or longer)
-make CD for K and J because they rock and they need the “I’ve Come Along Way” by Michelle Shocked running through their heads as they drive around L.A and also feel my pain
-wrap wedding presents for L and for S because L is already a Mrs. and I need to give S’s present to my parents this weekend
-email about bach. party for K because invites need to go out soon and we don’t even know what city it’s going to be in (I suck as MOH, aka Maid of freakingHonor)
-somewhere along the line, when I can’t take the stench anymore, take a shower

As you can see, a busy day ahead. Let’s just see how much actually gets done. And no, I have nothing else in my head to write about. Sorry.

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