
stop bloggering me

"I think I might be in labor, E.C. said ever so casually. "Oh my god. Do you need me to come over?" there was a little bit of panic in my voice. "No," she said, "I'm going to the doctor at 1:30. I'm fine." And then I couldn't comprehend that I was calmly talking to someone who might be pushing out a baby in 3 hours.

“I don’t like alotta people,” my friend M. said to me over cellphones. I cracked up. It wasn’t AT ALL what she meant. I couldn’t stop laughing.

“I’m in the dining room so you can come and sit in the living on the chofa so I can’t see you and not talk to you,” I told Kristin because I’m busy working on a project for a class that I thought was due Thursday and turns out (Murphy) that it’s due tomorrow. “And if I talk to you then you need to tell me to shut up.” “I can do that,” she said. And then she didn’t come over. Or hasn’t yet at least. Hmmmm (tap…tap…tap….

And then, I’m thinking that working all day will give me nothing to blog about so then I’ll work even more diligently. I guess I get why I don’t have a desk job. Sitting at a computer all day is TUFF STUFF!

And then I finally talked to my friend E.H. whom I've been playing phone tag with for a month so I had to talk to her. Ya know, HAD TO.

And then my cousin in Texas had to email me about THIS and well, ARE YOU KIDDING ME PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t concentrate with all this noise!

and that's not even the half of it. pretend we're in a library.


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