
eating the honey of her words

The thing about blogging is that it is a bit like a drug, like, say, niccotine. Sure, you really want to quit sometimes and sometimes you do, just throw in the towel and leave a post up for months. But, then you'll meander back. Sometimes you might even go all out and leave a Dear Blog letter. And these are the sad times when you think you have nothing to say or that no one really wants to read the dribble from you head. But, somehow life changes and you really want to blog about it for some reason. And so, you eat your words and you amble back to blogland. And you kinda feel great when that happens like you found someone who will listen and could care less about your fabulousness, even though you know you are (and you are) fabulous!

The point to all of this is SHE is back. And I totally told her she would be. Welcome back Kiddo!

**in this analogy I do not actually hope that people revert to smoking and actually feel good about it because it's totally gross and disgusting. shame on you, in fact.

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