
a perfect day

An hour drive to C-ville on the highway that has turned from the “green tunnel” to an autumn colored tunnel with leaves falling down to the road and the cars as the wind sweeps them from their branches. Meeting friends in a parking lot and giving them their orange and blue handmade scarves. Seeing their happiness. Parking and then a quick walk with friends to the stadium for tailgating. Eating good homemade food and being handed a delicious Yuengling just because you root for the Wahoos. Seeing old friends. The stadium filled with a record number of fans cheering my favorite football team. A sea of orange and blue. Singing “The Good Ole Song” after each touchdown. Starting the game in the warm sunshine of the day and ending it in the cool dark evening. Winning against a good team and singing “The Good Ole Song” of victory, swaying with arms wrapped around close friends. More tailgating, seeing old friends and their children dressed in Wahoo garb. Dinner at a local favorite haunt. Long conversations about the country and politics. Realizing your old friends are fabulous and that you don’t want to drive home along. But, you do. A perfect day, save for one missing thing.

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