
out of office reply

I should get an automatic post for times when my mind is not in the blogging state. I hate leaving old posts up. I’m aware that it sucks. I hate it when people don’t update daily and I am so guilty of that.

It’s the first week back to work from spring break. The Monday is always the worst and it was. Then I got into a schedule then I got out of it. My mind left the office and it didn’t want to go back.

Last week I did a lot of writing and reading. I pre-made a few posts because I knew this week would be lackluster. I ran out. I underestimated my lacklusterness. I promised myself that I would go to B&N a few nights a week to read and write. To keep up what I was working on during break. That didn’t happen. And so, when my sleeping schedule goes haywire so does my blogging.

I tried my own version of the “out of office” reply and it didn’t work. It’s one of my biggest pet peeves, the email that immediately bounces back to tell you that the other person has a busy schedule. Great, I say and thanks for clogging up my inbox with useless information. I have to say that now, with a wacky napping/sleeping schedule and nothing prewritten, I wish I had an “out of blogging” reply post ready made for you. I don’t. And, I’m sorry.

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