
tour de not france

This is a quote from a graduate of my college from my graduating year,

"I am about to finish up two year of MBA education at the Wharton School and will start work in September at McKinsey & Co in their Brussels office. Between graduation and starting work I plan to bicycle across the USA in 48 days..."

Our five year reunion is this summer and some people have chosen to update all those who are waiting with bated breath to see what they have been up to over that last five years. The above update caught my eye because really, as if the Wharton School wasn't enough this guy had to throw in his hot job in Brussels and then of course the side note about the cyclying across the USA, but that wasn't enough, no, then he had to add that he'll do it in 48 days. Sometimes, I wish I had gone to a small town college where I would send in updates like "I just consolidated my debt and hope to be out of my misery is 5 to 10 years." And my fellow classmates would think "Wow, I really wish my life were as on track as hers. I really need to reassess my life and get my goals straight." OK, well, anyway, I've got to run. My bicycle needs to ridden, around the block in 48 minutes. Wahoowah!

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