
happy birthday kusa

Kusa is my cousin. Her family nickname comes from our Aunt A. who was sitting beside B. when she was a baby and her family drove over the Coosa River in Alabama. Aunt A. looked at the precious baby beside her and called her her little Coosa Jane. When B. grew up she adopted the name, but chose to misspell it. We love her anyway.

The girl is gorgeous. She’s got curly dirty blond hair and a size 4 body. She does Pilates everyday and it shows. She’s beautiful, but it’s not her outside that counts. She beautiful on the inside too.

She loves people and new places. She’ll talk to you for hours and make you feel better when you’re down. She’s a cheerleader and supporter and all around good friend. She thinks real hard, but lives real easy. She’s seems light hearted and easy going, but deep down she’s thinking about what this world really means and what the hell we are all doing here and how she can make her and your day a better one.

She’s creative as hell and gets this from her mother. She makes presents instead of buying them because she knows this is how real love is shown. She signs her pictures with “Kusa.” I am proud to own an original.

Boys fall hard for her. Why wouldn’t they? She’s the whole package and then some. She’s not sure about the whole commitment thing either, but she’s a good long-termer. We love the boys she picks too; they’re kind and fun and always compliment her. I hope she finds the best one yet. She deserves roses everyday and kind words and chill music and road trips and a craft room. But, she’ll make all that happen for herself anyway.

She’s committed to her work with trouble youth and I know they are so freaking lucky to have her in their lives. She’ll make a huge difference for them and be a great role model. She’s certainly done that for me and I love the hell out of her. I wish I lived closer to her and I wish I were at her party right now.

Happy Birthday Kusa Jane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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