
applegirl, the new super hero

“Don’t go Apple girl,” said the married man in a room full of women. This was shortly after he asked two girls who sat next to each other if they were going to get it on. Sometimes, men need help and they need to stop thinking that two women who are in close proximity to each other are in fact going to start macking in their presence. It’s not happening. It’s not.

I was deemed Apple girl (as I always am) after he saw the Apple sticker on my car. When someone mentions Apple, my heart flutters. No lie. He says he’s thinking about an iMac and he loves his iPod. I told him that if he liked his iPod, just imagine a whole computer that works that way. Enough said.

I left the party early. No real reason, everyone was lovely, conversations were good and funny. But, sometimes, when you’re single, you just want to go home and be alone and curl up on the couch and wait for Saturday Night Live to come on. For no real reason. It’s just your single self wanting to lap up your singleness. And it’s not a sad thing or an antisocial thing. It’s just the way it is sometimes. And that sometimes is now.

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