
no, what’s up with you?

I bought an iPod shuffle last week. I meant to post about it, but then it slipped my mind and life got in the way. The shuffle was my life and permanent ear fixture all weekend. I got a lot done around my apartment and finished a book I’ve been trying to read for weeks thanks to the constant randomness of songs. You know I love Apple and now, I love them even more. If that is even possible.

You need a Shuffle. You need to make life random sometimes, we all do. I need to mix it up more. My cousin B. called today and we played the “What’s up?” “Nothing. What’s up with you?” “Nothing. We are boring.” “Yeah, we are.” Then I called and invited a married friend and her man to see my brother’s band this Friday night. My connections working the “plus 2” this time. She said she’d ask her husband and they’d think about it since it was Friday night and they were usually tired. I told her that she was married and boring. Then I called a single friend. Demoted to “plus 1.” What happened to my wild friends? They got married. That’s what happened. And now they worry about making babies rather than nursing hangovers. Well, at least some sort of nursing will be going on.

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