
happy birthday j.l.

Well, it’s just like last year, late again . It’s the way I roll. And I’m sorry J.

J. just got back from Hawaii. She says some things were stressful. Still, I don’t feel bad for her. It was freaking Hawaii. My jealousy still reigns.

She’s in Texas now and this is the 2nd year in a row that I haven’t seen her. The last time we met was in Seattle. She tends to find places that I can travel to in order to help me see the country. I don’t mind so much, but I wish I could visit her this summer. I really need to go see how her painting is going. Decorating long distance just doesn’t fly.

Her best friend just got in engaged, in Italy, to an Italian. Yep, we’re reeling. She’s one of the only ones left who understand how difficult it is to constantly be celebrating other people’s joys. When do we get to register? She totally gets it. I’m there with you J. and I know what you’re feeling. It will pass. Be happy for her happiness. I know it’s hard.

She had a blog once, but she got lazy, stopped writing and has now forgotten the password. I think she should reopen it. What do you think?

I’m sending this late and asking for forgiveness.

Happy Birthday J.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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