
this is so my life

I feel awful. I’m getting over an ear infection –and who knew you could get one past the age of 3- when I get a cold on top of it. Yum, more snot in my head. So, I’ve taken naps for the last 2 days and today was awoken kindly by J. in Texas with a phone call. I asked about her lovely trip to Hawaii which she says wasn’t so lovely. Still, the beauty of Hawaii made up for any problems with people on the trip I think. And while talking to her I took a decongestant to dull the running of snot in my head. I perked up, I was feeling better and started cleaning- this totally meant I was on the mend- when the sneezing went out of control and caused me to end the phone conversation because snot was no longer in my head, but hanging from my face. Yummy, thought you’d enjoy that one. Have a good lunch, or dinner, or whatever!

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