
tidbits and other things

The other day I went to the grocery store and while standing in the checkout lane of a clerk who took a millennium to scan my items, I decided to just stop and wait and listen. And in that 30 seconds or so I heard the mundaneness of life, the beeping of the scanner, the walking of customers, the swoop and whoosh of the bagger, muffled talking, and ambient music. I felt like I was in a movie, when the camera stays a bit longer on the character in order to focus on the boredom of her life, to spell out in visuals and audio what lies behind her eyes. And then I had to pay.

The Olympics ended tonight and I have no idea what I’m going to fall asleep to anymore and since Bode Miller is no longer being talked about on a daily basis I have no idea who to be disappointed in. I guess I can always go back to Bush.

I went to the Dr.’s office for a persistent sinus infection caused by that stupid persistent cold and I took a book this time and I got to read for an hour! No more wasting time in Drs. offices for me.

I really want to go ice-skating and join a book club. Who’s with me?

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