
in which i make a confession

I haven't been reading either. I know, right? Gasp! It's true. I mean, I've been reading, but I read one book in September and have now been reading the same book since Oct. 1. That, peoples, is not good. I was a reading machine this summer and last winter.

What has happend, you ask with eyes wide open.

Well, I just don't know. Before I felt really lost unless I was inside a book and now, well, not so much. I'm enjoying things all over the place like football games and birthdays and happy hours and Fall leaves and catching up on some new Fall TV shows. Which, really, should not be something I brag about, but dude Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, I get excited to see that that is coming on.

And I've been cooking some too. Every Sunday I pick a recipe and cook for just me or friends. (Want to get on the list? Email me.) I've cooked Thai and a Tuscan soup and chocolate cupcakes and banana bread and this week I'm thinking that it's time for some sesame noodles. Oh, and I'm thinking of hiring a house cleaner. I know. Believe me, I totally know.

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