
reading through

It's so easy to run back through the words of time, imagine the evirnoments in which they were written, know that the other person had you at the forefront of their minds. And now....

It's the re-reading I like the most, the culling of details I might have skipped over. I barely live my own life. I read a great deal, but I never re-read books. I do, quite often, re-read the words that other have written to me.

This must be my need to be claimed, to understand that at one time, words were important enough to make them permenant and then give that permenance to me. So, it is mine. As much mine at the books on my bookshelves and ever so much more real with references and events I have experiences. The letters, emails, cards.... the bigger senses of what I really want, words, the breaking down of meaning, or understanding.

Or whatever. It's been a little rollercoast reading night.

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