never say never to land
Sometimes I think that I should be a lawyer. I’m good at thinking logically and assessing the whole picture before I throw my verdict down. (In that example I think I’d really be a jury, but play along.). I like to listen to all opinions, whether I agree or not, and try my best to convince people that I am, in fact, correct. I’ll even pull out evidence. I did this today at work. I researched and found the evidence and squashed the nay saying naysayers in their tracks. They were humbled, a little bit at least, and I felt victorious. This was after a small group Kindergarten math lesson sitting on the floor when a child pointed to a roach that was crawling by us and then a spider that was as big as a nickel and “was HEADING straight FOR ME.” I screamed and squealed and jumped up just as the assistant principal walked into the room. Good thing that she loves me and just looked at me funny. I told the children that they should never react the way that I just did. And, with both the roach and the spider, the classroom teacher had to come over and kill them. I was shaken up. Then, I jabbed myself with a child’s pencils when helping them. Then, I almost pulled a printer off a table. And when I woke up this morning my left eye was crusty and bloodshot and blurry throughout my drive to school. A Kindergarten teacher was convinced I had pink eye. I refused to believe her and I think I was right, at least I have purposely not rubbed my left eye all day. So, after the spider and the roach and the pulling of the printer and the jabbing of the pencil, I went to happy hour and got HAPPY! And then J. called, whom I haven’t talked to in forever and now it’s time to watch Finding Neverland in a “girl’s night in” fashion and eat brownies. Come on over, Kristin
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