as i lay reading
I like Oprah. I like her book club. And this summer she is choosing Faulkner. I couldn’t be happier. As I Lay Dying is her first choice for June and it is one of my favorites. It’s so strange and so beautiful. It chronicles a family’s life as the mother lies dead while the family readies to bury her. She is so close to all the action and weirdness of the husband and children. It’s a bit dark and at the same time light. I can’t remember the details of the story as I’m writing this to you so I think that I will be re-reading it along with a million other middle class white Americans who bow to the bookshelves of Oprah. I’ve taken it down from my own bookshelf. With the way I’ve been reading (or starting) books lately, let’s see if I actually read the whole thing.
And I just bought this book because this post alerted me that Melissa Bank had a new book out. Her first book is one of my very favorites in the whole wide world. And I didn't even put it on my book meme a few weeks ago, but I've read it twice too, a feat for me. Buy some books people and read this summer. And tell me what you find out about yourself.
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