like a lost soul
I awoke this morning earlier than has been usual this summer. I'm sure my mind was not calculating everything correctly- a little foggy from the hour. I did my usual routine of coffee making, Today show, dressing, etc... It all seemed quite normal and I never felt that little twinge of "something is missing." It was 2 hours later that I realized my right wrist was bare. I've had a "Save Darfur" green rubber bracelet on that wrist for over a year. It has become second nature, not unlike a wedding ring would I'm sure. The little wrist flicks that I do to unconsciously move the bracelet up or down my arm are almost background noise in my movements. Except this morning I went to shake my wrist and there was nothing there and it still took my a while to figure out what felt so wrong, so out of place, so missing. And part of me hopes that by losing this bracelet somewhere in my life means that Darfur has won its fight. Because I'd rather lose the bracelet and readjust to its abscence then find another one to wear continously. I'd rather it become a long lost friend, but somehow I know that that is all just my romantic, sentimental mind playing tricks on me.
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