
shoe fly pie

I’m really bad at cleaning. Really bad. In fact, I tell my Dad that I just don’t like it. He tells me that I need to start. He’s right. I can’t remember the last time I dusted and my Dad left some cantaloupe peel in my sink and now there is mold on it. I haven’t cooked in a few days, or even used my kitchen so I totally forgot about the peel. Now it smells and I don’t want to touch it. The whole cleaning and touching dirty things is just not fun and therefore I don’t do it well. I’m a procrastinating cleaner. I let the clean laundry sit in the baskets on my bedroom floor until one day I just can’t take it anymore and then I fold and put things away. Now, some things I am anal about. Like my sheets. I obsessively change and wash my sheets on super hot water with bleach every week. Dust mites in your bed just creep me out. Sometimes I wish I was the perfect woman who kept and immaculate house, had a good job and cooked orgasmic food. It’s just not gonna happen. The “whole package” is just not what I’m made to be. I’m putting myself on a schedule that every night before bed I have to pick up or clean for 30 minutes. I figure that this should get it all done and save me from the massive cleanups on the weekends. I just wander that if I can barely keep a 2-bedroom apartment clean, how the hell will I ever tackle a whole house? I guess MYshoe fly pie with be truly homemade.

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