
well, dry

I look at this blog everyday and think, “Well, nothing exciting happened today and my brain can’t come up with its own ideas so we’ll just keep on trekking.” Yesterday, Kristin (she’s a click over there to the right, I’m to lazy to make a link inside this post) called and said, “What did you do today?” In that split second of response I knew that she had just run a 10K, which I slept through most of and was now on her way to a school function (on a SATURDAY). My response was this, “Well, I finished my book.” I had also watched a movie and worked a bit on my knitting, but I HAD NOT run a 10K, recovered and moved on with my day. So, people, go about your lives. My well is dry; there is no dipping into the cool water of words with interesting (or semi-interesting) things happening within them. There are, clearly, some ellipses going on, at least.

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