
mum’s the word

How many times do I need to explain how much I love fall? Everyday I drive around and think that this, this is the day where fall is at its peak and then, wala, another day happens and it seems to get even better. The trees are going bezerk and I gawked at some bush today that I swear burst forth just today with bright burgundy flowers. I’ve decided that I love all bushes and flowers and trees that really come to life in the fall, when everything else is starting to die away, to retreat into its resting stages. Like mums. How cute are they? With their afro like shapes and their perfectly Autumn colors. Its just that I can’t tell anyone how much I love fall just now, nope can’t speak a word of it because I’ve lost my voice and I’d make a recording for you, but it hurts too much and I’ve talked (read: squeaked) more today than I really should have. So, for me, for right now, mum’s the word.

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