
return to me

My parents are here. They are taking care of me which is nice since the tetanus shot has ruined my left arm, I got a splinter in my good foot hopping around, and all of my muscles are sore from having to be used all of a sudden in ways they are not used to. Anyway, enough of the moaning and groaning, I should be half-walking in a few days.

My family is taking me to the beach to be waited on. I can’t go in the sun with the antibiotics that I’m on and I can’t get my foot wet. It’s all good; I don’t like the sand and saltwater anyway. So, I’m off for a week. I’m being driven 4 hours to sit in a house and have people bring me things. I’ll be knitting up a storm and reading and watching my little nieces and nephew play. I wish I could play with them. So, no blogging for a week. Come back, I’m sure I’ll have lots to say when I return to you as long as you return to me.

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