you’re jealous
I’m going to see Coldplay. Nah.
seriously, you could get hurt
I love to cook. It's just one more reason to add to the thirty nine thousand other ones that I should be settled with little ones running about. Not that being domestic = babies = bliss, because I feel that there are probably some amazing domesticates who never marry or have children. It's just that cooking for one, or even just friends, is not all that thrilling. Sometimes I yearn to nourish people, like fulltime.
I totally stole this meme from Petit Hiboux. I liked the idea of a sort of magic eight ball even though I do not in any way believe in that stuff. With this little game, you simply put your iPod, or in my case, your Shuffle, on random and see how it helps you answer the following questions. Well, since my Shuffle is only suppose to shuffle, I thought it might be an expert. I’m not so sure after this little game.
"Learn from this. Grow from this. Let this be your lesson."
1- My father sent an email forward with the subject: "How to have a happy marraige." I didn't open it.
I held a baby today, a brand new, two day old, fresh out of the oven baby. She was beautiful and perfect and precious, but aren't they all?
Ya know in The Witches of Eastwick when Jack Nicholson asks the three women how they fear to die and then in the end when he transforms into the devil he then tortures the women with those fears? Yeah, well, my fear is death by hiccups. I'm not kidding. I hate hiccups and I've had them a lot lately, A LOT. Seriously, death by hiccups, I just hope the devil isn't reading.
I haven't been sick in a long time, I mean a loooooong time. I'm not complaining, but now I do have something to complain about. I hate the saying, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything." It's just not such a making sense kind of statement. I mean, you can't HAVE your health. It's not a thing, it's not an object. You can't touch it or hold it. And thus, because it is an abstract concept, I never really got it. I mean, I get it, but I never really got it.
So, the official Talk Like A Pirate Day has past, but whatever cause all I care about is what they think about me and whether they can tell me about myself and let me know who I truly am. To the pirates, I rock (I alwasy knew I loved them pirates):
Kristin started playing ADDJ (she calls it) flipping from one song to another after only a line or two. She flipped from one lonely heart song to another, one effed up love life after another. And apparently, all the songwriters had peeked into my life.
my brain is on empty
I’m thinking seriously about taking some time off of this here blog thing. I’m tired and a bit tired of it. For some reason, since work has officially started back up, I have not a lot to write about. I don’t know why. I was quite prolific this summer and I was just as if not busier than I am now. Maybe it’s that I’m more tired. Maybe it’s a mental thing that I just feel less creative when my schedule becomes a routine. I wanted to do the whole “blogging ‘til Christmas” thing, but I’m not so sure anymore. I don’t know and unless inspiration comes calling at my doorstep, I may just take some time off. We’ll see.
i'm pretty excited about this.
I came home late talking to my mom on my cell phone on the car ride home and through the courtyard and up the stairs and through the jingling of the keys and opening the door. “Where are you?” she said.
“Do they have to have a return address on them?” she asked the postal worker at the counter.
I don't like to talk about political stuff here. But, I will say this: Finally. Finally, Bush has claimed mistakes and acted like a man and a bit of a leader.
“Let’s go in.” I said, somewhat longingly.
"Ohmigod, I'm so tired I may not even blog today," I told Kristin as she lay curled up on what she calls my chofa watching one of the worst movies in history, Monster-In-Law, poor J.Lo.
“Maybe I’m just unlovable,” was an actual thought in my head today. And then quickly I added, “Nah, that’s just not it.” I’ve hit my existential crisis. Forget, mid-life, it’s more about mid-twenties. And I know it’s typical, but it doesn’t make it any easier.
My friend Post just got a birthday card from me. It's 3 years late. It's how I roll. And she doesn't live in Seattle anymore, hasn't for the last 2 years. Enter today's emails:
1- so, for the first time in like 47 days (or something) i really thought hard about not posting anything. but, this habit i've started can't be stopped.
i take really bad pictures of stuff you don't care about. and i'm really really tired. and this is one of those posts that i'm fudging (it's after 12am), but Blogger is good to me and will help me out on that little date thingy.
There is no other time of year that is like this; everything is fresh, everything is new. It’s September and it’s the start of the school year. Pencils are unsharpened, notebooks are pristine, the pages in textbooks have yet to be highlighted, floors are polished and unscuffed, number lines start at zero. I love this time of year. Because, as much as we try to say that January is the beginning of a new year, we are wrong; September is the beginning.
1- Went to work. Blahbity blah blah. Don’t we all do this? Right.